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Category 6: Serious column

Judge: Chad Roberts, Minneapolis Star Tribune

first place

Logan Fairchild

Judge Feedback: At times, columnists must write about intensely personal aspects of other peoples' lives in their communities; sometimes, they have to write about intensely personal aspects of their own lives. Logan Fairchild takes on the latter in this column, and the result is a touching piece that also teaches readers. Transitioning for eight years, Logan writes about the hardships of coming out- including a temporary split with mom. At times heartbreaking, but with a very positive look ahead. Very nice work. 


KATHryn Wenske
Schoolcraft College

Judge Feedback: I really enjoy reading college journalism that deals with subjects very important to campus. Internship programs are truly meaningful to students today- as they were 40 years ago when this journalist was going through Delta College and Central Michigan. Practical experience might be more important to budding journalists than anything else in their young lives, and it is great that Kathryn wrote on this subject for all college students. Nice work.


Alena Visnovsky

Judge Feedback: The lede to this column is pretty eye catching. Through the column, Alena explains why she felt the need to limit her social media experiences. I believe it is a reality that many of us - maybe younger people more so - face. It is sad, frustrating and induces anger all at once. Nice work telling your story.

honorable mention

Jonah Unger

Judge Feedback: A touching column about Mojo, the undersized mutt who became a happy boy with a family who loved him. "He might not have been the prettiest dog in the world or the strongest, but his loyalty and love were stronger and more beautiful than anything I could ever ask for."

Very nice.

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