Category 22: Headline writing
Judge: Mike Herek, WNEM TV5
first place
Ben Bolstrum
schoolcraft college
Judge Feedback: Short and sweet with a nice flow. It gets its point across quickly and in a clever way. It sparkles and has a nice finish. Nice job!
anthony stone schoolcraft college
Judge Feedback: Judge’s Comments: Simple and clever; it takes a chess term and applies it in a way that accurately sums up what the story is about. I’d be happy to run one like that in my newscast!
jordan scenna
washtenaw cc
Judge Feedback: A solid hard-news entry that effectively communicates what the story is about. Bonus that it juxtaposes the idea of something being grounded against something that is soaring. It does so without drawing attention to itself.
honorable mention
ali seblini henry ford cc
Judge Feedback: I like the direction the headline takes and can see what you were going for. I’d like to see a little more fleshing out of your idea, but kudos for applying an old term in an original way.
honorable mention
Joseph poulos grcc
Judge Feedback: Judge’s Comments: Quick and succinct. It demands little of the reader but maintains an overall inviting tone. It’s one I might have written, given a similar opportunity.