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Category 11: sports column

Judge: Hugh Bernreuter, MLive

first place

R.J. Hunt
washtenaw community college

Judge Feedback: Excellent column with interesting viewpoint. I wish you would have included some information that is vital in the argument. The danger of omitting statistics that weaken an argument is the appearance of bias. When talking about dunking, it's important to make note that the WNBA uses a smaller ball so the players can palm it and can dunk. Also important to note when comparing salaries the number of games played. WNBA plays just 36; you can't talk about shock moving or low ticket prices without explaining why- low attendance. Any WNBA money story has to at some point, mention that it is subsidized by the NBA or it would fail. I agree with your premise, but until the WNBA can draw a decent crowd, it will always have trouble making money. Popularity = $$$


Anthony stone

Judge Feedback: Well-written column at point of season when a lot of fans had doubts about the Lions. Sets out the facts in an easy-to-read column. However, a column is supposed to have an opinion, and this one doesn't; are they going to be good? Are they going to stink? The columnist is supposed to make an argument one way or the other; if you say they're going to be great, or maybe not, you're never wrong. But you're never really right either.


Jayden Hewitt
Lansing cc

Judge Feedback: Very strong lede; actual variant of Philadelphia is 'Philly', not 'Phillie' - unless it's a Philadelphia baseball player. Analysis was spot on and predicted winner was correct, but there was nothing unique or interesting that would make a reader remember the column an hour after reading it. Information was great, but a reader could have gotten that same information from just watching the games. A columnist should not pass on the chance to opine - or leave it up to fans. Needed something funny or new or interesting to spice up the column, something to make it memorable. Still, solid analysis and there's nothing wrong with being right!

honorable mention

Anthony stone
henry ford cc

Judge Feedback: Column is well-written but nothing the average Lions fan hasn't heard or read before. There is a need for a column to stand out, and this doesn't. Some punctuation errors. 


The danger of a college sports columnist writing about state or national teams or events is the challenge of standing out. Does this column say something that the reader hasn't heard 100 times on the radio or TV, is it different enough to make the reader remember it after reading stories on ESPN, Freepress or MLive?

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